la salle in) semisimple groups rather than simple groups, and also to some non semisimple Lie groups (Remark 4.3).In the whole article, local field will mean commutative, non-discrete locally compact topological field. So a local field is a finite extension of R (in which case it is Archimedean), or of Q p or F p ((t)) for some prime number p (in which case it is non-Archimedean). Higher-rank simple group will mean either real connected simple Lie group of real rank 2, or connected almost F-simple algebraic group of F-split rank 2 over a local field F. Higher-rank group will stand for a finite product of higherrank simple groups. We warn the reader that for us, products of rank-1 groups such as SL 2 (R)×SL 2 (Q p ) are not of higher rank. We refer to [18, Chapter I] for the terminology. Note that real connected simple Lie group or real rank 2 is more general than connected almost simple algebraic group of split rank 2 over R. It includes for example some groups with infinite center, as the infinite covering group of Sp 2n (R).Recall that a lattice in a locally compact group G is a discrete subgroup Γ such that G/Γ carries a G-invariant Borel probability measure.Theorem 1.1. Every lattice in a higher-rank group has strong property (T ).Examples of lattices in higher-rank groups include SL n (Z), SL n (F p [t]), SL n (Z[1/p]), for n 3, and Sp 2n (Z), Sp 2n (Z) (the preimage of Sp 2n (Z) in the universal cover of Sp 2n (R)), Sp 2n (F p [X]), for n 2. None of these examples is a cocompact lattice, so for all these cases Theorem 1.1 is new.