Spatial unilateral autoregressive model X k,ℓ = αX k−1,ℓ +βX k,ℓ−1 +γX k−1,ℓ−1 +ε k,ℓ is investigated in the unit root case, that is when the parameters are on the boundary of the domain of stability that forms a tetrahedron with vertices (). It is shown that the limiting distribution of the least squares estimator of the parameters is normal and the rate of convergence is n when the parameters are in the faces or on the edges of the tetrahedron, while on the vertices the rate is n 3/2 . A particular case of the above model is the so-called doubly geometric spatial autoregressive process X k,ℓ = αX k−1,ℓ + βX k,ℓ−1 − αβX k−1,ℓ−1 + ε k,ℓ ,