SUMMARY:Oncocytic neoplasms result from metabolically altered cells that accumulate abundant mitochondria within their cytoplasm by oncocytic metaplasia. In this report, the CT findings are described and correlated with the histopathologic features of a case of oncocytoma involving the parotid gland that arose in a background of nodular oncocytic hyperplasia. When imaging demonstrates multiple small nodules in the parotid gland with a large, solid, or cystic mass, the diagnosis of oncocytic neoplasia should be considered.O ncocytic neoplasms result from metabolically altered cells that accumulate abundant mitochondria within their cytoplasm to form oncocytes by the process of oncocytic metaplasia. These neoplasms are found rarely in the parotid gland and account for Ͻ1% of salivary gland tumors. However, the finding of oncocytic metaplasia is extremely common and occurs in a multitude of organs, including the thyroid gland, parathyroid glands, and kidneys, in addition to salivary glands.In the parotid gland, oncocytic metaplasia arises along a spectrum of related conditions, including oncocytic hyperplasia, benign oncocytoma, and, rarely, oncocytic carcinoma. Oncocytic hyperplasia may be found in microscopic foci or multiple macroscopic nodules, known as nodular oncocytic hyperplasia. Oncocytoma is a benign tumor comprising bland oncocytes, usually presenting as a single nodule.To our knowledge, the imaging findings of oncocytic metaplasia of the salivary gland have only limited description in the literature. We present the CT and histopathologic findings of a case of oncocytoma arising in a background of oncocytic hyperplasia of the parotid gland.
Case ReportA 61-year-old white man presented with a 3-year history of painless right parotid gland fullness. One week prior, he developed sudden constant dull aching pain radiating from the right parotid region. Physical examination revealed diffuse enlargement of the parotid gland with a soft nontender right retromandibular mass. Intraoral examination revealed bulging of the right oropharynx. No facial nerve dysfunction or cervical lymphadenopathy was found.CT revealed enlargement of the superficial lobe and loss of normal architecture of the right parotid gland. Multiple solid masses, most Ͻ1 cm in diameter, were seen within the gland. A retromandibular mass demonstrated cystic necrosis with a rim of peripheral enhancement (Fig 1A). The largest mass, in the tail of the parotid gland, measured 1.6 cm and was suggestive of a metastatic lymph node ( Fig 1B). A more focal well-defined mildly enhancing tumor was also seen within the deep lobe of the parotid gland, measuring 4.2 cm transversely and 2.6 cm anteroposteriorly (Fig 1A, black arrow). The tumor extended from just below the skull base to the angle of the mandible.Total parotidectomy was performed by a combined transparotidsubmandibular approach, sparing the facial nerve. Multiple enlarged well-circumscribed ovoid masses were found in the periparotid region and parotid tail and appeared as lymph nodes. Frozen-se...