The multimarker approach more accurately reflects the key mechanisms of pathogenesis and biochemical interactions, compared with the use of individual indicators. It is a reason of steadily growing interest in the development and use of various combinations of biomarkers in assessing the prognosis and stratification of cardiovascular risk in patients with a wide range of cardiological profiles. Multiplex analysis technology on the Luminex platform is the best tool for the simultaneous quantitative determination of a complex of different biomarkers in a single. Using the MILLIPLEX® MAP Human Cardiovascular Disease Panel, a multiple-fold increase of FABP, Troponin I, CK-MB, BNP, Nt-proBNP, BNP in the first 24 hours after MI, decreasing in 6 months with a high degree of confidence, was shown. There were no differences in the content of LIGHT between the stages of observation, as well as in comparison with the reference range. The content of LIGHT on the first day of MI showed strong positive associations with markers of damage of myocardium and myocardial stress. On the first day of MI, a significant increase in the content of ESM-1, decreasing in 6 months after MI to the reference values was found. Strong positive associations of ESM-1 with Troponin I and BNP levels were established. A significant increase of proinflammatory cytokine OSM on the first day of MI, decreasing in the late post-infarction period to reference values was shown. Correlation analysis revealed direct relationships of OSM with Troponin I, CK-MB, Nt-proBNP and BNP. The use of the MILLIPLEX® MAP Human Cardiovascular Disease Panel 1 diagnostic multimarker panel allowed for the simultaneous quantitative analysis of 11 biochemical parameters, associated with inflammation, atherogenesis, endothelial dysfunction, ischemia and myocardial necrosis. The results can be used to improve the effectiveness of complex diagnostics in patients with primary myocardial infarction with ST segment elevation.