1IntroductionDNA-based biosensors have been involved in aw ide range of applications such as medicald iagnosis [1],a gricultural and food sciences [2],g ene sequences analysis [3] and environmental hazards control [4] using different transduction modes such as light sensitive, frequency, electronic and electrochemical based techniques [5][6][7]. Amongt hem, electrochemicalD NA biosensors present an attractiver oute for synergizing the biological recognition process and the transduction event, with the advantages of af ast, specific, sensitive,a nd inexpensive detection system. In order to make such devices viable, researchers continuously try to develop methods that simplify the sensor constructiona nd improve its sensitivity, selectivity and robustness.An electrochemical DNAs ensor is typically based on the binding ability of an ucleic acid layer with ac omplementary target DNAs equence.V arious types of oligonucleotides have been usedb yr esearchers as probe molecules to selectively capture aD NA target;t hese probes includes ingle-stranded DNA[ 8],h airpin DNA[ 9], locked nucleic acid (LNA) [10] and peptiden ucleic acid (PNA) [11],w hich are grafted to the substrate surface via physical or electrochemical adsorption, self-assembly immobilization, biotin-avidin interactions, entrapment methods or covalent attachment [12,13].In the past years,n umerous strategies have been suggested for the development of electrochemicalD NA sensors [14],i ncludingl abel-free methods directly based on inherent electroactivity of some nucleotides [15,16],a nd indirectl abel-based methods which involvet he use of electroactive markersa nd labels such as enzymes,n ano-particles,q uantum dots,a nd redox indicators and intercalators mainly derived from organic dyes,a nticancer or antibiotic drugs and metal complexes [17][18][19][20].O ft hese types of configurations,t he widely adoptedo nes employ electroactive indicators containing organometallic or organic moieties,w hich connect directly and selectively to the oligonucleotide sequences by electrostatic interactions, groove binding or intercalating interaction [19b]. Such intercalators,d efined as organic smalls ized DNA binding molecules with an appropriate chemical structure, e.g. methylene blue,d aunomycin, anthraquinone,e thidium bromide and ferrocenyln aphthalenediimide [20][21][22][23][24], present characteristic structures with ap lanar polycyclic ring, allowingt hem to fit between adjacentb ase pairs of Abstract:Aferrocenyl intercalator was investigated to developa ne lectrochemical DNAb iosensor employing ap eptide nucleic acid (PNA) sequencea sc apture probe. After hybridizationw ith single strand DNAs equence, anaphthalene diimide intercalator bearing ferrocene moieties (FND)w as introduced to bind with the PNA-DNA duplex and the electrochemical signalo ft he ferrocene molecules was used to monitor the DNAr ecognition. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopyw as used to characterizet he different modification steps.D ifferential pulse voltammetry was employed to evaluate...