“…While processes involving the simultaneous absorption of two photons are usually investigated, three-photon absorption processes also offer some interesting possibilities,a s demonstrated by Uchida, Irie,M iyasaka, and co-workers ( Figure 9b). [82] By attaching atriphenylamine derivative that promotes multiphoton absorption in direct conjugation to aD AE moiety (compound 15), the authors could use asingle NIR wavelength (l = 1.28 mm) to ring-close and ring-open 15 by varying the intensity of femtosecond Cr:F laser pulses.Athigher intensity,the three-photon process dominates and the open form of 15,w hich absorbs in the UV region, could be closed, while at lower intensity,t he two-photon process takes place thus re-opening c-15,which absorbs light around 650 nm. Thethree-photon cyclization and two-photon cycloreversion could be followed by absorption spectroscopy and was directly observed through the coloration/decoloration of an amorphous film of 15 under the laser beam (Figure 9b).…”