where m, e, and c are the mass, electric charge, the speed of light, respectively, and x and z are unit vectors. The form function/(z) is antisymmetric in z with/-* ±1 as z -• ±oo. Here, +z points northward and is normal to the plane of the current sheet. The normal component, B n = B z , is generally assumed to be uniform for simplicity, and E is taken to be in the cross-tail direction, E = E y y.Essentially all the work carried out to date uses uniform E y . For simple onedimensional (ID) magnetic fields with only z-dependence Copyright 1995 by the American Geophysical Union. and By = 0, a uniform E y component can be transformed away in a coordinate system with a transformation velocity ofV x = cE y /B n , the so-called de Hoffman-Teller frame. (We will not consider the B y ^ 0 case.)The above studies focused on a class of relatively sim ple nonadiabatic orbits, sometimes referred to as Speiser or bits. Later studies uncovered different classes of much more complicated orbits [West et al, 1978;Wagner et al, 1979; Lyons, 1984], exhibiting "random" fluctuations in the mag netic moment as particles cross the midplane (z = 0) {Gray and Lee, 1982;Birmingham, 1984]. Subsequently, it was found that the particle motion is nonintegrable, exhibiting "chaos" in the current sheet [Chen and Palmadesso, 1986].
Using the Poincare surface of section technique [e.g., Lichtenberg and Lieberman, 1983], it was found that the phase space of this system can be partitioned into distinct regions corresponding to stochastic, transient, and integrable (regu lar) orbits. This realization provided a unified description of the full nonlinear dynamics of charged-particle motion in the magnetotail (see Chen [1992] for a detailed review).
Buchner and Zelenyi [1986] proposed a mapping theory to describe the chaotic motion using jumps A J in the actionJ = (1 /27r) § (dz/dt) dz. The jumps were calculated approx imately [Buchner and Zelenyi, 1989] using an asymptotic matching technique (the so-called slow separatrix crossing theory) [Cary etal, 1986]. Brittnacherand Whipple [1991] obtained a more accurate determination of AJ. Delcourt et al [1994] have suggested that the magnetic moment variation in the "chaotic" regime can be modeled using an impulsive centrifugal force. Note that although the magnetic field is translationally invariant in x and y, the canonical momenta P x and P y cannot be conserved simultaneously in a given gauge.