Recently, nanomaterials, especially carbonaceous, are gaining more and more attention due to the possibility of their direct use in various fields of science and industry. These nanoparticles possess unique properties that can be used in biomedical imaging and diagnostics. Great expectations are connected with using innovative nanomaterials as drug carriers. Carbon quantum dots (CQD) have high potential for biomedical applications. Compared with the controversial nanotubes, the toxicity of CQD is negligible and their small size allows for the penetration of the cell membrane barrier. The chemical nature and degree of surface graphitization are the basic parameters that define their biocompatibility. It has been proved repeatedly in the literature that the amorphous carbon quantum dots are more biocompatible than graphitic ones. A unique feature of quantum dots, used primarily in the diagnostics, is the ability to fluorescence. This feature allows to follow the distribution of quantum dots in the cells or even the whole body. Thus, connection of a therapeutic compound to the surface of the material also allows to track the path of the drug and moreover, facilitates its internalization. To date, most of the attention in the literature has been focused on drugs (mostly anti-cancer) immobilized on "inorganic" quantum dots, which are synthesized as heavy metal salts. The main drawback of these materials, however, are their toxicity and non-biodegradability. Therefore, the use of amorphous, biocompatible, biodegradable CQD seems to be a better solution. Also, their theranostic application has become the promising perspective.Keywords: activated carbon, powder, treatment, water, technology, development
WprowadzenieKropki kwantowe (ang. quantum dots -QD) są to sferyczne nanokryształy o wielkości ziarna od 2 do 20 nm. QD są substancjami o właściwościach pośred-nich pomiędzy półprzewodnikami a cząstkami kwantowymi. Ich cechą charakterystyczną jest występowanie efektu ograniczenia kwantowego (ang. quantum confinement effect), co przekłada się na wyjątkowe właściwości absorpcji i emisji promieniowania. Oznacza to, że po wzbudzeniu QD energia emitowanych przez