Recent advances suggest that deep learning has been widely used to detect smoke for early forest fire warnings. Despite its remarkable success, this approach has a number of problems in real life application. Deep neural networks only learn deep and abstract representations, while ignoring shallow and detailed representations. In addition, previous models have been trained on source domains but have generalized weakly on unseen domains. To cope with these problems, in this paper, we propose an adversarial fusion network (AFN), including a feature fusion network and an adversarial feature-adaptation network for forest fire smoke detection. Specifically, the feature fusion network is able to learn more discriminative representations by fusing abstract and detailed features. Meanwhile, the adversarial feature adaptation network is employed to improve the generalization ability and transfer gains of the AFN. Comprehensive experiments on two self-built forest fire smoke datasets, and three publicly available smoke datasets, validate that our method significantly improves the performance and generalization of smoke detection, particularly the accuracy of the detection of small amounts of smoke.