Source of materialDimethyl 1-acetyl-1,2-dihydro-2,3-quinolinedicarboxylate, was synthesized in accordance with the published procedure [1]. Single crystals were prepared in n-hexane at 322 K during five weeks using the branch tube method. The colorless crystals were filtered off, washed with cold n-hexane (5 ml) and dried in vacuum over P 4O10 (m.p. 411 K). Elemental analyses were consistent with the composition C 15 H 15 NO 5 (found: C, 62.21 %; H, 5.19 %; N, 4.91 %; calc.: C, 62.28 %; H, 5.23 %; N, 4.84 %). Melting points were measured on an Electrothermal 9100 apparatus and are uncorrected. Elemental analyses were performed using a Heraeus CHN-O-Rapid analyzer.
DiscussionQuinoline derivatives are important heterocycles in bio-organic chemistry and are present in many natural products and pharmaceuticals [1]. In recent years there has been increasing interest in the determination of X-ray crystal structures of biologically active compounds [2][3][4][5][6][7][8].In the crystal structure of the title compound, the covalent bonds are found to be in normal range. Relevant bond lengths.486(4) Å and bond angles ÐC12-O3-C13 = 115.2(2)°, ÐC10-N1-C1 = 125.6(2)°, ÐN1-C7-C8 = 109.5(2)°, ÐC9-C8-C14 = 122.2 (2)°, ÐO1-C10-N1 = 120.1(2)°are almost similar to those in previous reports [2][3][4][5][6][7][8]. The methyl groups at O3 and O5 are approximately in the O3-C12-O2 (ÐC13-O3-C12-O2 = 4.1(4)°) and O5-C14-O4 (ÐC15-O5-C14-O4 = 2.1(4)°) planes, respectively, that agree well with a participation of O3 and O5 in electron donation to the carbonyl groups. The torsion angle ÐC9-C8-C14-O4 = -173.6(3)°shows clearly that the carbonyl group C14=O4 and the double bond C8=C9 share approximately a common plane with S-trans conformation, which probably is a result of the p-system conjugation. p-p-ring stacking is observed within the crystals probably as a result of the presence of parallel aromatic rings which stabilizes the crystal packing.