We characterized the lymphocyte phenotype and the ability to produce Ig by lamina propria (LP) cells from rat ileum throughout the suckling period. In the first week after birth, Ͻ10% of LP lymphocytes were B cells, but at weaning, this figure rose to Ͼ30% as found in the adult. These B cells did not bear surface IgA (sIgAϪ). However, the number of sIgAϩ, which may correspond to B blast cells because they were outside lymphocyte cytometer gate, increased. In LP, IgM-secreting cells (SC) appeared during the second week of life, and IgA-SC were detected later but at a lower number. Regarding LP T cells, CD8ϩ cells were more abundant than CD4ϩ cells along the first 2 postnatal weeks, and CD3ϩCD8␣␣ϩTCR␣ϩCD5-CD25Ϫ was their predominating phenotype. In this 2-wk period, between 8 and 20% of LP were natural killer cells. LP CD4ϩ lymphocytes in neonatal rats showed increasing co-expression of TCR␣, whereas the co-expression of CD90 decreased and the CD4ϩCD25ϩ cell percentage did not achieve adult values. In conclusion, in the first 2 wk of the rat life, the gut LP immune system shows abundant CD8␣␣ϩ cells, including NK cells. Thereafter, LP B cells increase dramatically and Ig-SC appear, with IgM-SC being more abundant than IgA-SC. CD4ϩ LP lymphocytes acquire a mature phenotype and adult proportions later after weaning. The mucosal surface of the small intestine is constantly exposed to a large variety of foreign antigenic materials, such as dietary macromolecules, food proteins, and autochthonous microbiota, with the resulting antigenic stimulation (1). The intestinal mucosa contains gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT), the largest immunologic tissue in the body, which deals with these luminal antigens. Anatomically, GALT consists of organized lymphoid structures and diffuse populations of cells. Organized GALT comprises Peyer's patches, isolated follicles, and mesenteric lymph nodes. Diffuse GALT consists of two distinct populations above and below the basement membrane: the intraepithelial lymphocytes and lamina propria (LP) mononuclear cells, including lamina propria lymphocytes (LPL). Both diffuse compartments contain mature effector T lymphocytes, and the LP compartment also contains Igproducing plasma cells (2). The intestinal immune response is primarily characterized by the production of secretory IgA by plasma cells, which predominate in human intestinal LP and represent~80% of all Ig-producing cells in the body (3,4).In humans, LP contains T CD4ϩ and T CD8ϩ lymphocytes in a similar proportion to peripheral blood, and Ͼ95% of LP T cells express the antigenic receptor ␣ (2,5). LP CD8ϩ T cells account for 30 -40% of LP T cells, which include cytolytic effector cells (6). Both CD4ϩ and CD8ϩ LPL express CD25 to a similar extent, with total CD25ϩ cells amounting to~15% of human intestinal LPL (5). Moreover, human LP T cells are similar to memory cells in that they have low percentages of CD45RAϩ and high percentages of CD45ROϩ and CD58ϩ cells (5). B cells in human LP are represented by a small population of sc...