In analogy to current fluctuations found in solid state electronic microstructure devices, excess noise generated by the reversible ionization of sites in a transmembrane ionic channel was observed. By analyzing the pH-dependent fluctuations in the current through fully open single channels formed by the a-toxin protein, we were able to evaluate the protonation rate constants, the number of sites participating in the protonation process, and the effect of recharging a single site on the channel conductance.PACS numbers: 87.22.Bt, 66.10.Ed, 82.30.Fi Ions in aqueous solution cannot cross the poorly polarizable lipid bilayer membranes surrounding cells [1]. Instead, they pass through ion channels formed by a class of membrane spanning proteins that play key roles in the generation of nerve action potentials, cell-cell communication, and other critical cellular functions [2]. Protein ion channels have multiple conformation states, some of which have a hydrophilic pore open to the flow of ions. The difference in energy between these states is sufficiently small that thermal fluctuations cause ion channels to switch between different levels of conductance. Transitions between states in a single molecule can therefore be observed as a fluctuating ion current [3] in analogy to recent observations of the light-scattering signal from a single trapped ion switching between different energy levels [4,5].Noise analysis has been successfully used to develop a molecular understanding of physical and chemical systems [6]. In biological systems, shot noise and noise from conformational variations are now widely recognized as sources of fluctuations in open channel currents [7], In this study, we demonstrate that noise analysis can also be used to measure the rate constants of rapid chemical reactions that occur within the pore of a channel, if those reactions modulate the open channel conductance. We report that current noise may be produced by the reversible protonation of amino-acid sites in the channelforming molecule. Moreover, we show that this technique can be used to determine the number of ionizable sites that modulate the channel conductance. The mechanism of the phenomenon we report here is analogous to that found for conductance fluctuations in solid state devices where recharging of a single trap [8,9] or a chain of localized states [10] was shown to be the fluctuation source.Current through the channel formed by the a-toxin protein [11] was measured with Ag-AgCl electrodes placed in compartments of a Teflon chamber illustrated in Fig. 1. The current recordings in Fig. 2 show the spontaneous formation of a single channel at three different pH values. Two features are clearly seen. First, the mean conductance of the a-toxin channel decreases when the p\\ is increased over the range 4.5