Entrepreneurs need to have knowledge and skills in financial management. Therefore, this article examines the level of financial management among young agro-entrepreneur. A total of 177 agro-entrepreneur are included in this study. This study uses quantitative approaches and the data collection used purposive sampling techniques. The research instrument is a questionnaire containing five elements of financial management skills, namely knowledge, skills, attitudes, planning and experience. The financial management elements are measured based on 5-Likert scales. Descriptive statistics and correlation are used to explain the results of the study. The results show that the level of skills of young agro-entrepreneur financial management skills is varied. They have high financial knowledge, moderate financial skills, moderate financial attitudes, high financial planning and moderate financial experience. Overall, the agro-entrepreneurs' level of financial management was moderate. The implications of the study suggest that, the elements of knowledge, skills and attitudes need to be taken seriously among young agro-entrepreneurs.