The creative potential development should take place in line with the professional training, which has its main foundation at schools, universities and society. Knowing the profile of creative people becomes fundamental, since current researches indicate creativity as a skill that can be developed when stimulated. The paper aims to identify the creative profile of undergraduate students of the courses of Civil and Industrial Engineering of a Federal University and analyze their evolution during the academic formation. A structured questionnaire was administered to 382 students. Taking into account the proposed by Oech, whom classifies the creative person in Explorer, Artist, Judge and Warrior, we can conclude that students of these Engineerings prevails the profiles Judge and Warrior. From the results, one considers the need to integrate in the pedagogical practices, curriculum and programs of disciplines, activities that encourage creative development for Explorer and Artist profiles, since the labor market and society demand for engineers with technical knowledge and creative skills that leverage innovations, with a high degree of novelty, in these organizations.