“…To identify the impact of sample flow rate on detector sensitivity for absorbance and MS detectors, an automated flow rate optimization system controlled by an Edison Compute SBC coupled to an Arduino board was constructed [98]. To improve detector signal, open-source versions of a transimpedance amplifier for low light detection of PMTs [99] F I G U R E 4 Photograph (A) and component schematic (B) of a modular portable capillary gradient liquid chromatography (LC) instrument utilizing multiple microcontrollers for system operation. Components include (as listed in original manuscript): (1) solvent pump B, (2) solvent pump A, (3) sample injection port, (4) pressure sensor, (5) refill valves, (6) mixer, (7) purge valve, (8) injection valve with loop, (9) pump home sensors, (10) column, (11) UV detector, (12) solvent reservoirs, (13) waste container, (14) control electronics, and (15) constant current controller.…”