Electron detector arrays are employed in numerous imaging applications, from low-light-level imaging to astronomy, electron microscopy, and nuclear instrumentation. The majority of these detectors are fabricated with dedicated processes, use the semiconductor as a stopping and detecting layer, and utilize CCD-type charge transfer and detection. We present a new detector, wherein electrons are stopped by an exposed metal layer, and are subsequently detected either through charge collection in a CCD-type well, or by a measurement of a potential drop across a capacitor which is discharged by these electrons. Spatial localization is achieved by use of two metal planes, one for protecting the underlying gate structures, and another, with metal pixel structures, for two-dimensional detection. The new device does not suffer from semiconductor nonuniformities, and blooming effects are minimized. It is effective for electrons with energies of 2-6 keV. The unique structure makes it possible to achieve a high fill factor, and to incorporate on-chip processing. An imaging chip implementing several test structures incorporating the new detector has been fabricated using a 2 micron double-poly double-metal process, and has been tested inside a JEOL 6400 electron microscope.