Enceladus’s jet activity,
Europa’s putative plume
activity, and the evidence supporting global subsurface oceans have
made them high-priority targets for future NASA missions. In situ
analysis of organic molecules in the jets/plumes or subsurface oceans
of these icy moons would provide relevant, detailed information on
the formation, habitability, and ongoing planetary processes of celestial
bodies and could provide the first evidence of the potential for extant
life beyond Earth. Microcapillary electrophoresis with laser-induced
fluorescence (μCE-LIF) enables highly-sensitive, automated,
quantitative, and compositional analysis of organic molecule monomers
and short polymers and can achieve a sub-parts-per-trillion limit
of detection. Portable Mars Organic Analyzer prototypes have been
built and field-tested, and the Enceladus Organic Analyzer and Microfabricated
Organic Analyzer for Biosignatures prototypes are under development
as potential instruments for missions to Enceladus or Europa. Here,
high-resolution separations of amino acids contained within icy moon
analogue solutions of sulfuric acid, carbonic acid, sodium carbonate,
and magnesium sulfate were obtained using a benchtop μCE-LIF
system. Separations were improved by dilution, pH regulation, and
chelation of cations with ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid. Also, a
sample taken from Champagne Geyser, a CO2-driven geyser
at Chaffin Ranch, Utah, was analyzed for amino acids and found to
contain leucine, valine, serine, alanine, and glycine. Alanine and
glycine were quantified via a standard curve at 80.1 ± 0.8 μM
and 900 ± 100 nM, respectively. This work represents a significant
step forward for the liquid-based μCE-LIF analysis of small
organic molecules and biopolymers for future space missions to icy
bodies like Enceladus and Europa.