“…Further studies have identified numerous sources and causes for the production and perception of FA in L2 speech: - different acquisition scenarios, i.e. simultaneous multilingualism/bilingualism (Genesee, 2000; Meisel, 2001, 2004) vs. sequential multilingualism/bilingualism (Lakshmanan, 1994; McLaughlin, 1978),
- the mode of language learning (instructed vs. naturalistic language learning, DeKeyser, 2003; Ellis, 2006, 2007; Isemonger, 2007), and
- other external factors including sociological and cultural background, situational, contextual and procedural variables and learner-specific factors (including cognitive, motivational and emotional factors and personality traits, Bayley & Langman, 2004; Bayley & Regan, 2004; Dewaele, 2004; Dörnyei, 2009, Flege, Birdsong, Bialystok, Mack, Sung & Tsukada, 2006; Major, 2004; see Piske, MacKay & Flege, 2001, for an overview).