A map between Banach lattices E and F is called positively decomposable if T f = g1 + g2 for f , g1, g2 positive and g1 and g2 disjoint implies there exist disjoint positive elements f1 and f2 each less than f with the property that T f1 = g1 and T f2 = g2. Recently, the positive decomposability of linear Carleman operators on Banach lattices were characterized using disjointness condition of images of the approximate atoms. This note provides an extension of the characterization for a class of non-linear maps. Further, disjointness preserving maps are studied.
Mathematics Subject Classification (2000). 46B42, 47H07.If E and F are Banach lattices and T is a map between them, T is said to be positively decomposable if whenever T f = g 1 + g 2 with f, g 1 , g 2 positive and g 1 and g 2 disjoint, then there exist positive disjoint elements f 1 , f 2 each less than or equal to f such that T f 1 = g 1 and T f 2 = g 2 . The decomposition of positive linear Carleman operators has been studied in [2], which included a characterization of such operators in terms of the behavior of the images of approximate atoms. In this note, we extend the results of [2] to certain non-linear operators between Banach lattices.We will assume that the Banach lattices E and F have quasi-interior points. Given e a quasi-interior point in E, we identify the dense order ideal generated by e with the lattice C(X), all continuous real-valued functions on a compact space X. Here e is identified with the constant function 1 and E is identified with extended real-valued functions each of which is real-valued on a dense subset of X. We use the notation C ∞ (X) to denote the extended real-valued functions on X and identify E with functions on X. For details, see [1] or [10].We recall that T is a Carleman operator if the image of the unit ball of E under T is order bounded in the universal completion of F (see [8]). A space is