DOI: 10.2527/af.2011-0029
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Opportunities and challenges from the use of genomic selection for beef cattle breeding in Latin America

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Cited by 24 publications
(19 citation statements)
References 21 publications
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“…An initial example is preliminary work on Gir cattle from Brazil, where some signatures of selection were in regions of the genome known to contain genes that might be associated with adaptation (Liao et al 2013). Use of genomics in other Latin American cattle production has also been well explored (Montaldo et al 2012). Combined with information from similar discoveries using improved breeds, genomic solutions should be very useful for improving production efficiency and outputs, provided breeding systems can be developed to ensure application of the improved genetics.…”
Section: Improvement With Genetic Markers and Genomic Approaches The 21mentioning
confidence: 99%
“…An initial example is preliminary work on Gir cattle from Brazil, where some signatures of selection were in regions of the genome known to contain genes that might be associated with adaptation (Liao et al 2013). Use of genomics in other Latin American cattle production has also been well explored (Montaldo et al 2012). Combined with information from similar discoveries using improved breeds, genomic solutions should be very useful for improving production efficiency and outputs, provided breeding systems can be developed to ensure application of the improved genetics.…”
Section: Improvement With Genetic Markers and Genomic Approaches The 21mentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Actualmente, para las evaluaciones genéticas en bovinos se analiza conjuntamente la información de desempeño y pedigree con metodologías estadísticas flexibles y precisas como los modelos mixtos (Martínez, Manrique and Elzo, 2012;Montaldo et al, 2012), con el uso particular del modelo animal, que es un modelo lineal de cada uno de los efectos fijos (e.g. año, época) y efectos aleatorios genéticos y no genéticos, que contribuyen al fenotipo individual para una o más características.…”
Section: Perspectivas Del Mejoramiento Genético Animal En El Trópicounclassified
“…El uso de modelos mixtos permite obtener el BLUP (Best Linear Unbiased Prediction), una herramienta estadística que determina simultáneamente los mejores estimadores lineales insesgados de los efectos fijos y de los valores genéticos, de esta forma se obtienen los valores de cría de los individuos para las diferentes características de importancia económica (Martínez et al, 2012;Montaldo et al, 2012). La metodología BLUP ha permitido la evaluación genética a gran escala entre poblaciones, aumentar la precisión de selección y controlar la consanguinidad (Nguyen y Ponzoni, 2006).…”
Section: Perspectivas Del Mejoramiento Genético Animal En El Trópicounclassified
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“…Difficulties of collecting phenotype data of sufficient quality and quantity, together with often incomplete pedigree data, hamper conventional genetic evaluations, so GS has the potential to substantially increase the genetic gain by increased selection accuracy at an early age (Montaldo et al. ). However, the heterogeneity of breeds, less developed infrastructures and breeding programmes, predominance of natural service (with lower value of breeding animals) and the population substructures with frequent crossbreeding in the commercial herds has interfered with the adoption of GS in beef cattle.…”
Section: Applications Of Genomic Selection and Specific Challenges Fomentioning
confidence: 99%