Three-level neutral-point clamped cascaded converters (3LNPC-CC) are widely used in high power nigh-voltage applications. This paper mainly discusses the open-circuit fault in DC-side of the 3LNPC-CC. Optimized by the sequence pulse modulation, a sequence smooth modulation (SSM) is proposed to keep the DC-side voltage balance while the 3LNPC-CC suffers open-circuit fault from DC-side. The SSM found efficient switch-state path through a 3-D cube model and simplified the path from thousands of switch state. The SSM avoids the complex calculation in the voltage-balancing modulation, while the dynamic character of it was less influenced. At the same time, the modulation changes the voltage level smoothly and balances the fault DC-side voltage effectively. The characters of the proposed modulation are verified by the simulation and the experiment.