The traditional slicing method of reverse engineering has been used in product measure from time immemorial. This method however has the disadvantage of low contrast of the cross-sectional pictures of an object. In order to overcome the said shortcoming, a new slicing method of reverse engineering, based on the principle of refraction and reflection of a prism, has been propounded. According to the reflectivity of the object, one of the illuminating methods -straight illuminating or inclined illuminating -is adopted. These methods can enable one to obtain the image of the cross-section of a bright object with a dark background or the opposite. Experiments have proved to show the advantages of this new slicing method for high contrast of the cross-sectional pictures. To eliminate geometrical distortions caused by the refraction and reflection of the prism, a mathematical transformation model can be set up to correct the image by using relevant software. Eventually, a RP model of a temporomandibular joint fabricated according to its slicing pictures is illustrated.