First, I would like to thank my supervisor, Sarah Bohndiek, for giving me the opportunity to join VISIONLab in 2014. I could not have asked for a better supervisor. Throughout my time in her lab, Sarah made time to provide scientific advice and feedback and supported me in purchasing equipment, in travelling to conferences and in my professional development. Despite the lab expanding rapidly, Sarah's schedule, along with her office door, have remained open. Her openness, efficiency, and the apparent ease with which she carries out her work is inspirational and these qualities have cultivated a similarly efficient yet relaxed atmosphere in VISIONLab. Never have I felt the crippling pressure of my supervisor bearing down upon me, a feeling all too often described by my peers.Still, experiments failed. Equipment broke. Code crashed. During these times, I am grateful to have been surrounded by supportive colleagues. As a novice to research I am thankful that James Joseph and George Gordon were so willing to show me the ropes. I would also like to acknowledge the support of my exceptional clinical collaborators, especially Massimiliano di Pietro, Wladyslaw Januszewicz and James Tysome, whose support and patience has helped facilitate clinical translation of my work. I am grateful to have worked alongside Siri Luthman, tackling our problems together in an otherwise desolate optics lab.I would also like to thank my colleagues turned close friends. To Isa, James and Judith, for conversations over coffee, in the car and over beers. Your warm words were always reassuring. To Abby, for helping me to keep calm, and for reading and correcting this thesis. To Michal, for all the fun we shared over the years. Further thanks go to my friends in college, especially Andrea, for the relaxing evenings watching trash TV, and Alexis, for the formals and nightsout which made the end of the week worth looking forward to. And a huge thank you to Lina, for her love and support in the final stretch.Sadly, my big nan-nan is not here to see me complete my thesis. She is dearly missed and I am sure she would be immensely proud, as are my other grandparents. Their pride and love have spurred me on throughout my research. I express immense gratitude to my mum, dad and brother, Aaron. The weekends we spent in Cambridge, and at home, helped to remind me of the world outside the Cambridge bubble. Even in their absence, their love, support and advice stayed with me every step of the way, strengthening me in challenging times. The lessons my parents have taught me, and the example they set, have shaped all aspects of who I am and where I am today, and I will be forever grateful.Finally, I would like to acknowledge the funding from the CRUK-EPSRC Cancer Imaging Centre in Cambridge and Manchester, without which I could not have carried out this work. These thanks extend to the millions of people whose generous donations ensure this work continues.