PACS 68.37. Uv, 78.30.Hv, 81.05.Je With confocal Raman microscopy, detailed images of the three-dimensional structure of thick samples (such as porous materials, aggregated nanoparticles etc.) could be readily acquired and visualized with sub-micron resolution. However, confocal Raman microscopy is not a panacea, especially for the studies of nanostructures, mainly because of diffraction limits for the optical resolution. The spatial resolution of Raman systems employing traditional optical microscopes is limited to approximately the wavelength of the light (about 0.5 µm), because both the illuminating laser light and the Raman scattered light are collected in the optical far-field (i.e. many wavelengths of light away from the scattering material). We will describe a new setup for nano-Raman experiments by using the fiber-optic scanning probe of a Scanning Near Field Optical Microscope (SNOM). The collected Raman signal in this near-field geometry reaches spatial resolutions at the level of tens of nanometers.1 Introduction With Raman microscopy, detailed images of thick and thin samples (such as porous materials, aggregated nanoparticles, stressed areas [1], etc.) could be readily acquired and visualized with sub-micron resolution. However, confocal Raman microscopy (called also a micro-Raman) is not a panacea, especially for the studies of nano-structures, mainly because of diffraction limits for the optical resolution. The spatial resolution of Raman systems employing traditional optical microscopes is limited to approximately the wavelength of the light (about 0.5 µm), because both the illuminating laser light and the Raman scattered light are collected in the optical far-field (i.e. many wavelengths of light away from the scattering material). The results, demonstrated in this paper, show using the fiber-optic scanning probe with a tapered end of 50 nm in diameter or less allows to collect Raman signal in the near-field geometry and to reach lateral spatial resolutions at the level of tens of nanometers, which is agreed with other published works (for example, review in papers [2,3]). Our scheme allows using different SNOM modes (collection and combined collection/illumination) in one setup, which is new, compare to schemes cited in review [2].Two configurations of SNOM setup can be used: with or without aperture. In the apertureless Raman SNOM method [4,5], a sharp metallic tip or nanoparticle produces the Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) in the near-field zone. The imaging is obtained by scanning the tip, therefore the SERS zone across the sample surface. Though this method relatively easy to implement using regular AFM scanners in combination with confocal Raman microscope, it has significant disadvantage. The processes of the SERS are not well understood and are not studied enough to use them broadly as an industrial tool for the measurements [6]. The confocal microscope takes scattered signal from larger area, wherefore to