Superconductors are highly suitable materials for radiation detection. Several detector
types have been proposed, with properties of fast detection or high wavelength resolution
over a wide range of optical frequencies. Their performances depend on the relaxation
processes involving phonons, quasiparticles and Cooper pairs occurring during the energy
cascade following the absorption of the radiation in the superconductor. The energy
down-conversion processes are related to the electron–phonon scattering strength
which is usually expressed in terms of the electron–phonon coupling time,
τ0, which is characteristic for each material. In this paper we estimate the value of
for several classes of superconducting materials not yet investigated. It is calculated in the
framework of the McMillan model for the superconducting critical temperature
within the Debye approximation. The values obtained for
are discussed as regards new possibilities for unexplored materials in the field of
superconducting detectors. In particular, we focus our attention on materials with
values that could play a significant role in both hot electron photodetectors and
superconducting tunnel junction devices.