Methods:The following transport parameters are calculated: scattering efficiency (Q sct ), absorption efficiency (Q abs ) and the scatter anisotropy (g). Calculations assume spherical phosphor grains and are 20 performed using the analytic method of Mie theory for grain radii of 0.1 to 5.0 µm. The sensitivity of transport parameters to emission wavelength is investigated using an emission spectrum representative of that of Gd 2 O 2 S:Tb. The impact of a grain-size distribution in the screen on the parameters is investigated using a Gaussian size-distribution (σ = 1%, 5% or 10% of mean radius).
Results:The Mie theory predictions of transport parameters are shown to be highly sensitive to both grain size and emission wavelength. For a phosphor screen structure with a distribution in grain sizes 30 and a spectrum of emission, only the average trend of Mie theory is likely to be important. This average-behavior is well predicted by the more sophisticated of the geometrical optics models (GODM+) and in approximate agreement for the simplest (GODM). The agreement of MTF predictions with experiment is reasonable, and encouraging given the uncertainties in screen composition. 35
Conclusion:If Mie theory is used for calculating transport parameters for light scattering and absorption in powdered-phosphor screens, care should be taken to average out the fine-structure in the parameter predictions. However, for visible emission wavelengths (λ < 1.0 µm) and grain radii (a > 1.0 µm), geometrical optics models for transport parameters are a reasonable alternative to Mie theory. Their greatest virtue is simplicity and the results presented suggest no substantial loss in 40 predictive accuracy.