Several taste transduction mechanisms have been demonstrated in mammals, but little is known about their distribution within and across receptor cells. We recorded whole-cell responses of 120 taste cells of the rat fungiform papillae and soft palate maintained within the intact epithelium in a modified Ussing chamber, which allowed us to flow tastants across the apical membrane while monitoring the activity of the cell with a patch pipette. Taste stimuli were: 0.1 M sucrose, KCl, and NH 4 Cl, 0.032 M NaCl, and 3.2 mM HCl and quinine hydrochloride (QHCl). When cells were held at their resting potentials, taste stimulation resulted in conductance changes; reversible currents Ͼ5 pA were considered reliable responses. Sucrose and QHCl produced a decrease in outward current and membrane conductance, whereas NaCl, KCl, NH 4 Cl, and HCl elicited inward currents accompanied by increased conductance.Combinations of responses to pairs of the four basic stimuli (sucrose, NaCl, HCl, and QHCl) across the 71-84 cells tested with each pair were predictable from the probabilities of responses to individual stimuli, indicating an independent distribution of sensitivities. Of 62 cells tested with all four basic stimuli, 59 responded to at least one of the stimuli; 16 of these (27.1%) responded to only one, 20 (33.9%) to two, 15 (25.4%) to three, and 8 (13.6%) to all of the basic stimuli. Cells with both inward (Na ϩ ) and outward (K ϩ ) voltage-activated currents were significantly more broadly tuned to gustatory stimuli than those with only inward currents.
Key words: taste receptor cell; tongue epithelium; palate epithelium; gustatory sensitivity; breadth of tuning; sucrose; quinine; salt; acid; pattern codingTaste transduction involves a variety of mechanisms, including direct permeation or block of ion channels and activation of metabotropic and ionotropic receptors (for review, see Lindemann, 1996;Herness and Gilbertson, 1999). There is little information, however, about how these mechanisms are distributed within and across taste receptor cells. Intracellular recording experiments have suggested that taste cells are broadly responsive to stimuli representing different taste qualities (Kimura and Beidler, 1961;Ozeki and Sato, 1972;Tonosaki and Funakoshi, 1984;Sato and Beidler, 1997). However, because of their relatively small membrane potentials and the possibility of leak currents associated with penetrating such small cells with sharp electrodes, many investigators have viewed these intracellular experiments with skepticism (Kinnamon, 1988;Avenet and Lindemann, 1989;Lindemann, 1996;Herness and Gilbertson, 1999). More recent experiments have used patch-clamp recording methods on isolated taste receptor cells (Avenet and Lindemann, 1987;Akabas et al., 1988;Kinnamon et al., 1988;Gilbertson et al., 1993;Herness and Sun, 1995;Chen et al., 1996;Cummings et al., 1996), but the range of stimuli that can be applied to an isolated cell preparation is limited and recording is hindered by having the apical and basolateral membranes in...