run), and the combination of low pressure ( < ∼ 10 −13 Pa) and low temperature ( < ∼ 20 K) while having full optical access. These conditions cannot be fulfilled with ground-based experiments.
E. Technological heritage for MAQROMAQRO benefits from recent developments in space technology. In particular, MAQRO relies on technological heritage from LISA Pathfinder (LPF) [18], the LISA technology package (LTP) [19], GAIA[20], GOCE[21,22], Microscope [23,24] and the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) [25]. The spacecraft, launcher, ground segment and orbit (L1/L2) are identical to LPF.The most apparent modifications to the LPF design are an external, passively cooled optical instrument thermally shielded from the spacecraft, and the use of two capacitive inertial sensors from ONERA technology. In addition, the propulsion system will be mounted differently to achieve the required low vacuum level at the external subsystem, and to achieve low thruster noise in one spatial direction. The additional optical instruments and the external platform will reach TRL 5 at the start of the BCD phases. For all other elements, the TRL is 6-9 because of the technological heritage from LPF and other missions.