We show that for a particular choice of the coupling parameters the Ashkin-Teller spin-glass neural network model with the Hebb learning rule and one condensed pattern yields the same thermodynamic properties as the four-state anisotropic Potts-glass neural network model. This equivalence is not seen at the level of the Hamiltonians. 05.50+q, 64.60.Cn, 84.35 It is well-known that the classical Ashkin-Teller (AT) model is a generalization of the Ising, the four-state clock and the four-state Potts models. This can be easily seen already at the level of the Hamiltonian, especially when one rewrites the Hamiltonian of the AT model [1] using two Ising spins located at each site of the lattice interacting via two-and four-spin couplings [2].For spin-glass systems similar observations can be made ( [3] and references therein). The AT spin-glass Hamiltonian contains as particular limits, for certain bond realizations, both the four-state clock spin glass and the four-state Potts-glass Hamiltonians.Concerning neural network models, the situation is more complicated. It is straightforward to see at the level of the Hamiltonian that for two, respectively one of the coupling strengths taken to be zero, the AT neural network model [4,5] is equivalent to the Hopfield model [6] respectively the four-state clock neural network model [7]. On the contrary, the possible relation with the fourstate Potts neural network models existing in the literature [8,9] is, at first sight, unclear. However, since we discovered in the study of the thermodynamic and retrieval properties of the AT neural network [4,5] for equal coupling strengths some resemblance to the properties of the Potts-glass neural network [8,10], we expect that a relation with the latter does exist. To investigate this relation is the purpose of this brief report.The AT neural network with the Hebb learning rule is described by the following infinite-range Hamiltonian