The Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) is the FAA's vision of how the nation's aviation system will operate in 2025 and beyond [40]. In 2004, the National Airspace System (NAS) was already operating near capacity, and demand was expected to grow two-to threefold over the following 20 years. The NextGen initiative was established in 2003 in order to meet the challenges presented by the predicted increase in demand. It represents a substantial and long-term change in the management and operation of the US air transportation system, and involves both the leveraging of existing technologies and the development of new ones. This includes satellite-based navigation and control of aircraft, advanced digital communications, advanced infrastructure for greater information sharing, and enhanced connectivity between all components of the air transportation system. The overarching objectives of NextGen are to improve the safety, speed and efficiency, and to mitigate the environmental impacts of air transportation, while accommodating increased demand.