Abstract-Resilient communication networks, which can continue operations even after a calamity, will be a central feature of future smart cities. Recent proliferation of drones propelled by the availability of cheap commodity hardware presents a new avenue for provisioning such networks. In particular, with the advent of Google's Sky Bender and Facebook's internet drone, drone empowered small cellular networks (DSCNs) are no longer fantasy. DSCNs are attractive solution for public safety networks because of swift deployment capability and intrinsic network reconfigurability. While DSCNs have received some attention in the recent past, the design space of such networks has not been extensively traversed. In particular, co-existence of such networks with an operational ground cellular network in a post-disaster situation has not been investigated. Moreover, design parameters such as optimal altitude and number of drone base stations, etc., as a function of destroyed base stations, propagation conditions, etc., have not been explored. In order to address these design issues, we present a comprehensive statistical framework which is developed from stochastic geometric perspective. We then employ the developed framework to investigate the impact of several parametric variations on the performance of the DSCNs. Without loss of any generality, in this article, the performance metric employed is coverage probability of a down-link mobile user. It is demonstrated that by intelligently selecting the number of drones and their corresponding altitudes, ground users coverage can be significantly enhanced. This is attained without incurring significant performance penalty to the mobile users which continue to be served from operating ground infrastructure.