“…The second feature of our paper is that it is the first one to study the relative importance of the different aspects of contract design between DMMs and exchanges, distinguishing be-tween positive and negative incentives. While several studies exist on the role of maker/taker fees in encouraging liquidity provision (e.g., Colliard and Foucault (2012), Malinova and Park (2015), Clapham, Gomber, Lausen, and Panz (2017), Cardella, Hao, and Kalcheva (2017), Black (2018), El Euch, Mastrolia, Rosenbaum, andTouzi (2018), and Lin, Swan, and Harris (2018)), most of them focus on the case in which such fees are applied uniformly to all market participants, across all stocks rather than specifically to DMMs to incentivize their liquidity provision. In a closely-related recent paper on this issue, Bessembinder, Hao, and Zheng (2019) study the effect of both making/taking fees that are specific to DMMs and requirements of DMMs.…”