Synchronization is an important behavior that characterizes many natural and human made systems composed by several interacting units. It can be found in a broad spectrum of applications, ranging from neuroscience to power-grids, to mention a few. Such systems synchronize because of the complex set of coupling they exhibit, the latter being modeled by complex networks. The dynamical behavior of the system and the topology of the underlying network are strongly intertwined, raising the question of the optimal architecture that makes synchronization robust. The Master Stability Function (MSF) has been proposed and extensively studied as a generic framework to tackle synchronization problems. Using this method, it has been shown that for a class of models, synchronization in strongly directed networks is robust to external perturbations. In this paper, our approach is to transform the non-autonomous system of coupled oscillators into an autonomous one, showing that previous results are model-independent. Recent findings indicate that many real-world networks are strongly directed, being potential candidates for optimal synchronization. Inspired by the fact that highly directed networks are also strongly non-normal, in this work, we address the matter of non-normality by pointing out that standard techniques, such as the MSF, may fail in predicting the stability of synchronized behavior. These results lead to a trade-off between nonnormality and directedness that should be properly considered when designing an optimal network, enhancing the robustness of synchronization.