Based on a weak convergence argument, we provide a necessary and sufficient condition that guarantees that a nonnegative local martingale is indeed a martingale. Typically, conditions of this sort are expressed in terms of integrability conditions (such as the well-known Novikov condition). The weak convergence approach that we propose allows to replace integrability conditions by a suitable tightness condition. We then provide several applications of this approach ranging from simplified proofs of classical results to characterizations of processes conditioned on first passage time events and changes of measures for jump processes. * We thank Richard Davis, Paul Embrechts, and Thomas Mikosch for putting together a very interesting Oberwolfach seminar, where this project started. We are grateful to Kay Giesecke, Peter Glynn, Jan Kallsen, Ioannis Karatzas, and Philip Protter for stimulating conversations on topics related to the theme of this project, and to Philippe Charmoy, Zhenyu Cui, Roseline Falafala, and Nicolas Perkowski for their comments on an earlier version of this note. †