The reduction of a matrix to an upper J-Hessenberg form is a crucial step in the SR-algorithm (which is a QR-like algorithm), structure-preserving, for computing eigenvalues and vectors, for a class of structured matrices. This reduction may be handled via the algorithm JHESS or via the recent algorithm JHMSH and its variants.The main drawback of JHESS (or JHMSH) is that it may suffer from a fatal breakdown, causing a brutal stop of the computations and hence, the SR-algorithm does not run. JHESS may also encounter near-breakdowns, source of serious numerical instability.In this paper, we focus on these aspects. We first bring light on the necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of the SR-decomposition, which is intimately linked to J-Hessenberg reduction. Then we will derive a strategy for curing fatal breakdowns and also for treating near breakdowns. Hence, the J-Hessenberg form may be obtained. Numerical experiments are given, demonstrating the efficiency of our strategies to cure and treat breakdowns or near breakdowns.In [12], the algorithm JHSH, based on an adaptation of SRSH, is introduced, for reducing a general matrix, to an upper J-Hessenberg form. Variants of JHSH, named JHOSH, JHMSH and JHMSH2 are then derived, motivated by the numerical stability. The algorithms JHESS as well as JHSH and its variants have O(n 3 ) as complexity.The algorithm JHESS (and also SRDECO), as described in [2] may be subject of a fatal breakdown, causing a brutal stop of the computations. As consequence, the J-Hessenberg reduction can not be computed and the SR-algorithm does not run. Moreover, we demonstrate that the algorithm JHESS may breaks down while a condensed J Hessenberg form exists. These algorithms also may suffer from severe form of near-breakdowns, source of serious numerical instability.In this paper, we restrict ourselves to the study of such aspects, bringing significant insights on SRDECO and JHESS algorithms.We will show derive a strategy for curing fatal breakdowns and treating near breakdowns. To this aim, we first bring light on the SR-decomposition and SRDECO algorithm, in connection with the theory developed by Elsner in [5]. Then, a strategy for remedying to such breakdowns is proposed. The same strategy is used for treating the near-breakdowns. Numerical experiments are given, demonstrating the efficiency of our strategies to cure breakdowns or to treat near breakdowns.The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2, is devoted to the necessary preliminaries. In the section 3, the algorithms SRDECO, SRSH or SRMSH are presented. Then, we establish a connection between some coefficients of the current matrix produced by the SRDECO algorithm, when applied to a matrix A and the necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of the SR decomposition of A, as given in [5]. In section 4, we recall the algorithms JHESS and JHMSH. We present then an example, for which a fatal breakdown is meet, in JHESS algorithm (also for JHMSH), for reducing the matrix to an upper J-Hessenber...