ABSTRAK Hypertensi kehamilan masih menjadi penyebab utama dari angka kmatian ibu (AKI). Di Indonesia sebayak 1.077 kasus ibu meninggak karena mengalami hypertensi kehamilan, di Jawa Tengah sebanyak 156 ibu meniggal karena hypertensi kehamilan dan kabupaten banyumas sebanyak 29 kasus kematian terjadi saat hamil. Permasalahannya adalah terdapat 2 kasus kematian tersebt berada di kecamatan kembaran. Di Desa Bantarwuni terdapat 5 ibu hamil yang mengalami hypertensi, belum ada kelompok ibu hamil yang terbentuk sehingga banyak informasi penting yang tidak diketahui oleh ibu hamil. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk membentuk KEPOKMILI (Kelompok Ibu Hamil Peduli), ibu hami juga mampu memberdayakan diri, peningkatan pengetahuan, meningkatkan partisipasi dan minat untuk deteksi dini, pemantauan, dan pencegahan hypertensi serta komplikasi kehamilan. Metode kegiatan ini dengan ceramah, tanya jawab, diskusi pembentukan kelompok ibu hamil perduli, edukasi, deteksi dini dan pemantauan hypertensi kehamilan pemberian informasi dan pemberdayaan diri. Khalayak sasaran yang dipilih adalah ibu hamil dan tempat yang dipilih adalah di Desa Bantarwuni. Hasil kegiatannya yang diikuti oleh 28 peserta penetapan fasilitator, pembentukan KEPOKMILI, pretest, pemberian informasi, posttest, deteksi hypertensi ibu hamil dengan pemeriksaan cold pressor test (CPT), pemantauan tekanan darah. Kesimpulan: terbentuknya KEPOKMILI, terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan ibu hamil sebelum dan setelah kegiatan, terdapat 4 ibu hamil yang beririko hypertensi, pemantauan tekanan darah dilakukan intensif selama 1 minggu sekali. Saran: Diharapkan ibu hamil yang baru dapat bergabung dengan komunitas KEPOKMILI, deteksi hypertensi ibu hamil dapat dilakukan dengan pemeriksaan CPT, pemantauan tekanan darah ibu hamil harus dilakukan setiap 1 minggu sekali untuk semua ibu hamil. Kata Kunci: Hypertensi, KEPOKMILI (Kelompok Ibu Hamil Peduli), Cold Pressor Test (CPT) ABSTRACT Pregnancy hypertension is still the main cause of maternal mortality (MMR). In Indonesia, 1,077 cases of mothers died due to pregnancy hypertension, in Central Java, 156 mothers died due to gestational hypertension, and in Banyumas district, 29 cases of death occurred during pregnancy. The problem is that there were 2 cases of death in the Twin District. In Bantarwuni Village there are 5 pregnant women who experience hypertension, no groups of pregnant women have been formed so that there is a lot of important information that pregnant women do not know. This activity aims to form KEPOKMILI (Caring Pregnant Women Group), pregnant women are also able to empower themselves, increase knowledge, increase participation and interest in early detection, monitoring, and prevention of hypertension and complications of pregnancy. The method of this activity is with lectures, questions and answers, discussions on forming groups of caring pregnant women, education, early detection and monitoring of pregnancy hypertension, providing information and self-empowerment. The selected target audience is pregnant women and the chosen place is in Bantarwuni Village. The results of the activities which were attended by 28 participants were the appointment of facilitators, formation of KEPOKMILI, pretest, provision of information, posttest, detection of hypertension in pregnant women by examining the cold pressor test (CPT), monitoring of blood pressure. Conclusion: the formation of KEPOKMILI, there was an increase in the knowledge of pregnant women before and after the activity, there were 4 pregnant women who were at risk of hypertension, blood pressure monitoring was carried out intensively once a week. Suggestion: It is expected that new pregnant women can join the KEPOKMILI community, detection of hypertension in pregnant women can be done by CPT examination, monitoring of blood pressure in pregnant women must be done once every 1 week for all pregnant women. Keywords: Hypertension, KEPOK MILI (Concerned Pregnant Women Group), Cold Pressor Test (CPT)