CV. XYZ is a company engaged in selling fabrics. The company's current customers are around 372 customers, of which 81% or around 301 customers only make transactions less than 10 times and 19% or around 71 customers make transactions more than 10 times, this shows a low level of customer loyalty towards the company. Company owners currently have difficulty determining the type of promotion that will be given to each customer based on their level of loyalty. The method used to segment customers is the Recency, Frequency and Monetary (RFM) method and delivering promotions to customers using WhatsApp API Gateway Services. The results of this RFM method can make it easier for company owners to determine the type of promotion that will be given to each customer as well as the delivery of the promotion in an effort to increase customer loyalty to the company. Of the 24 customers used as sample data, the Most Valuable Customer group has 4 customers, the Most Growable Customer group has 15 customers, the Migrator group has 5 customers and the Below Zeros group has 0 customers.