Institute of Clinical Physiology
Hiirtelstr. 16-18,O-7010 Leipzig
SummaryWe measured the rate of cell biomass growth, the consumption of organic substrate, and the heat developed during growth. The relationship between thermodynamic efficiency and the rate of microbial growth was considered.Products are, e.g., low molecular organic acids, formaldehyde and alcohols. We obtained additional catabolic reactions : P i are the concentrations of the products. If these reactions are exergonic the energy can also be used for the anabolic reaction. I n [2] the thermodynamic efficiency was determined with output power J AG,) J , and J, are the flows of anabolic and catabolic reactions. We need the concept of KEDEM and CAPLAN [2] if only one product was produced. I n this paper the experimental values were compared with the theoretical tendency of thermodynamic efficiency. The dilution rate was varied by chemostat. [3] 1* 4 Acte Biotechnol. 11 (1991) 1
blateriale and bfethodsThe strain of Bacillus steardlremwplrilus ZZMET 11262 was cultivated in chemostat with different dilution rates. The temperature was 68OC and the pH-value 6.8. This is the optimal range of growth. The medium contains (per 1): 10 g glucose 3 g (NH,),SO, 1 g yeast extract 6 ml salts concentrate 0.6 ml trace-salts concentrate 1 ml of salts concentrate contains: 90 mg N as (NH,),SO, 20 mg K as KH,PO, 18 mg P as H,P04