This article deals with impact analysis of different electric vehicle (EV) charging/discharging strategies (CDS) on the operation and pollutant treatment cost of both grid accessible and remote microgrid (MG) modes. In this regard, EV demand is developed under four different scenarios, namely, uncoordinated charging model (UCM), load leveling model (LLM), maximum renewable model (MRM), and charging discharging model (CDM). A comprehensive study is performed to see the effect of these different EV charging/discharging behaviors in optimizing MG's operation. A 2m scheme of Hong's point estimate method (PEM) is applied to examine the effect of uncertainties linked with the forecasted errors in load demand, solar energy, wind energy, and grid price respectively on MG operation problem. Finally, a sensitivity analysis is performed to investigate the effect of variations in battery parameters on economics of remote MG. The study results indicate that controlled charging of EVs can substantially improve operation of MG.
KEYWORDS distributed generators, electric vehicle, microgrid, point estimate methodNomenclature: L avg , average load; L base , base load of MG (without EV); BC b , battery capacity; BC EV,n , battery capacity of EV n; η bc , battery charging efficiency; P bc , battery charging power; η bd , battery discharging efficiency; P bd , battery discharging power; SOC b , battery SOC; v, binary variable, 1 when battery is charging; w, binary variable, 1 when battery is discharging; cf, capacity factor; t cd,n , charging duration of EV n; η EVc,n , charging efficiency of EV n; P EVc,n , charging power of EV n; C grid , cost of power integration between main grid and MG; C DC,i , depreciation cost of DG i; ADCC i , depreciation cost per kwh of DG i; T EVde,n , discharging end time of EV n; T EVds,n , discharging start time of EV n; d n , distance travelled by an EV n; EP GRID , electricity price of grid; e 100,n , energy consumption per 100 km of EV n; k fc,i , fuel consumption coefficient of DG i; C fuel,i , fuel cost of DG i; Incost i , installation cost per capacity of DG i; d, interest rate; l i , lifetime of DG i; P LC , load curtailed; C LC , load curtailment cost; Ό LC , load curtailment cost; r down,i , lower ramp rate limit of DG i; SOC b,max , maximum battery SOC; P bc,max , maximum charging limit of battery; P EVcmax,n , maximum charging rate of EV n; P bd,max , maximum discharging limit of battery; P EVdmax,n , maximum discharging power of EV n; T EVddmax,n , maximum duration for which EV n can discharge; P grid,max , maximum power MG can take from main grid under contractual scheme; P i,max , maximum power of DG i; SOC EVmax,n , maximum SOC of battery of EV n; SOC b,min , minimum battery SOC; P i,min , minimum power of DG i; SOC EVmin,n , minimum SOC of battery of EV n; N DG , number of DGs in MG; k OM,i , operation and maintenance coefficient of DG i; C OM,i , operation and maintenance cost of DG i; P PV , output power from PV; P WT , output power from WT; P i , output power of DG i; P grid , output ...