Volvariella volvacea is an edible and nutraceutical tropical mushroom species. This study reports the optimal culture conditions for efficient growth of mycelia of the three wild strains of V. volvacea (La Clementina, Vinces, and Montalvo) from Ecuador. The mycelial growths were evaluated on the three culture media, pH, aeration, illumination, and temperature. Mycelia of the three strains grew best on Sabouraud dextrose agar at pH 6.5-7.5 when incubated in either sealed and unsealed conditions at 26-28°C and 32°C. Vinces and Montalvo strains favored dark and lighted conditions, respectively, whereas La Clementina favored both. Therefore, the three exotic strains of V. volvacea could be commercially cultivated in the Philippines and utilized in various applications. Fruiting body of V. volvacea has grayish-to-black egg-shaped volva at young and rupture to expand the pileus up to nearly flat. Nutritionally, the fruiting bodies contain carbohydrates, sugar, protein, crude fiber, ash, fats, vitamins, organic acids, and bioactive metabolites that contribute immensely to umami taste and aroma and notable biological