GPUs, with their high bandwidths and computational capabilities are an increasingly popular target for scientific computing. Unfortunately, to date, harnessing the power of the GPU has required use of a GPU-specific programming model like CUDA, OpenCL, or OpenACC. As such, in order to deliver portability across CPU-based and GPU-accelerated supercomputers, programmers are forced to write and maintain two versions of their applications or frameworks. In this paper, we explore the use of a compiler-based autotuning framework based on CUDA-CHiLL to deliver not only portability, but also performance portability across CPU-and GPU-accelerated platforms for the geometric multigrid linear solvers found in many scientific applications. We show that with autotuning we can attain near Roofline (a performance bound for a computation and target architecture) performance across the key operations in the miniGMG benchmark for both CPU-and GPU-based architectures as well as for a multiple stencil discretizations and smoothers. We show that our technology is readily interoperable with MPI resulting in performance at scale equal to that obtained via hand-optimized MPI+CUDA implementation.