obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.The WestminsterResearch online digital archive at the University of Westminster aims to make the research output of the University available to a wider audience. Copyright and Moral Rights remain with the authors and/or copyright owners.Whilst further distribution of specific materials from within this archive is forbidden, you may freely distribute the URL of WestminsterResearch: ((http://westminsterresearch.wmin.ac.uk/).In case of abuse or copyright appearing without permission e-mail repository@westminster.ac.uk Abstract-This paper presents a highly compact inkjet printed microstrip bandstop filter (BSF) for interference suppression in multi-standard wireless applications. The structure is designed with strict specifications for inkjet printing such as the use of the Kapton substrate and its flexible polyimide film. The design was simulated based on Kapton substrate with a thickness of 50µm and dielectric constant of 3.4. The simulated results show a good narrowband response with good stopband attenuation of about 38 dB. When compared to other published BSFs, the proposed structure occupies the least normalized area and best return loss performance up to 10 GHz. This filter is then used to reject interference in a multi-standard wireless transmitter system with suppression of about 30 dB achieved with a great level of noise and spurious response reduction thereby improving the overall performance of the system. This type of filter will be very useful to eliminate undesired signals in next generation 4G LTEAdvanced and 5G mobile networks as well as being very attractive for modern day multi-standard wireless applications such as machine to machine (M2M) communications and internet of things (IoT).