L. Tang). Tel: (028) 8541 7281 Abbreviated Title:A new feeding raw material applying on laying quails.ABSTRACT: Idesia polycarpa Maxim. var. vestita Diels (Idesia polycarpa), which is 1 widely distributed in south China, is still underexplored. This study applied Idesia 2 polycarpa defatted fruit (IPF) and Candida utilis to the feed of laying quails using 3 solid-state fermentation. In comparison to the standard diet group, birds fed with 4 mixture of IPF and candida utilis (MIC) showed better production capacity, and the 5 ML group (1% MIC added) achieved the greatest egg mass (9.77 on average; P<0.01) 6 and laying rate (87.7% on average; P<0.01). Compared to the standard diet group, the 7 cholesterol content was lower in both the ML (1% MIC addition groups) and IL (1% 8 IPF addition groups), and 5% MIC added group had higher n-3 polyunsaturated fatty 9 acid content. Furthermore, birds given the MIC dietary supplement showed a thicker 10 jejunum wall than the standard diet group. In addition, the related mRNA expression 11 of SRBEP-1, SREBP-2, ATGL, APOVLDL-II which are involved in the fatty acid and 12 cholesterol biosynthesis suggested that the addition of candida utilis could effectively 13 improve the production capacity of laying quails while decrease the negative effects 14 of IPF. This work also demonstrates how MIC can be applied to improve the 15 production of laying quails.
IntroductionIdesia polycarpa (Idesia polycarpa Maxim. var. vestita Diels) is widely 19 distributed in south China, and it is known for its high-quality edible oil, which has a 20 high content of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). Moreover, the application of Idesia 21 polycarpa oil in biodiesel production has been demonstrated (1, 2). There have been 22 several studies on Idesia polycarpa fruit, including functional research on Idesia 23 polycarpa fruit extraction and studies on the improvement of the extraction process.
24The remarkable antioxidant qualities, anti-skin-aging ability (3) and anti-adipogenic 25 ability (4) of Idesia polycarpa extracts have been demonstrated, and an optimized 26 extraction method has also been established (5). However, reports on the application 27 of Idesia polycarpa fruit for the other purposes are still limited. In this study, we are 28 tried to apply Idesia polycarpa defatted fruit (IPF) in laying quail's breeding, and for 29 purpose of effective use, solid-fermentation was selected.
30From a historical perspective, phytogenic materials fermented with specific 31 microbe are recognized to benefit farm animals and are described as far back as the 32 beginning of the last century (6, 7). Even now, fermentation is still gaining interest 33 because of its important role in the production of quality feed and the utilization of 34 unexploited feed materials (8, 9). Moreover, based on existing studies, the addition of 35 probiotic could effectively decrease anti-nutritive factors and allergenic proteins (10, 36 11). Furthermore, fermented feed represents a plausible alternative to traditional 37 anti...