The Yogyakarta International Airport Transportation Mobile Application is an application launched in November 2020. The M-YIA application was created to provide instructions for Yogyakarta International Airport Users to enter and exit the airport area. One tool that is often used to evaluate application usage is the User Experience Questionnaire or UEQ). This User Experience Questionnare is able to measure 6 aspects in the form of attractiveness, sharpness, efficiency, dependence, stimulation and the level of novelty/innovation. An application really needs to be evaluated regularly to find out the user's wishes so that the application can continue to be developed in accordance with the desired aspects. In evaluating the use of the M-YIA application, a total of 50 respondents distributed questionnaires. Then the collected data is processed using the Data Analysis Tools from the UEQ website. Data processing using UEQ shows that the Attractiveness aspect has a value of 1.29, Perspicuity has a value of 1.54, Efficiency has a value of 1.43, Dependence has a value of 1.10, Stimulation has a value of 1.07 and Novelty has a value of 0.66. The five aspects have a value of > 0.8 but the level of novelty has a value of < 0.8 so it can be stated that the M-YIA application has a positive assessment but requires innovation.