In general merchant ships do not have medical facilities on board. When seafarer got sickness or accident, either ship captain or officers who are in charge will assist them, but these people do not have enough medical knowledge. To overcome this, we developed a Seafarer Health Expert System (SHES) that can facilitate telemedical services in an emergency. A comprehensive analysis of seafarers’ medical issues that were conducted from medical records of patients assisted on board ships by the International Radio Medical Center (C.I.R.M.), Italy. Data mining techniques are involved to manage epidemiological data analysis in a two-phase setup. In the first phase, the common pathologies that occurred onboard were analyzed, later a detailed questionnaire for each medical problem was developed to provide precise symptomatic information to the onshore doctor. In this paper, we mainly highlighted the SHES framework, design flow, and functionality. Besides, nine designing policies and three actors with separate working panels were clearly described. The proposed system is easy and simple to operate for anyone of no computer experience and create medical requests for the fast delivery of symptomatic information to an onshore doctor.