A 60 GHz highly linear Power Amplifier (PA) is implemented in 65-nm Low Power (LP) CMOS technology. The structure consists of four common-source pseudo-differential stages. To improve global performances, a compact transformerbased 8-way power combiner is designed. Three driver stages are neutralized with capacitors to enhance both reverse isolation and power gain. At 60 GHz, the PA delivers a saturated output power (P SAT ) of 19.9 dBm and a 1-dB compressed output power (P -1dB ) of 17.2 dBm while achieving maximum power added efficiency (PAE max ) of 20 %. The small-signal gain is about 33 dB with a 3-dB bandwidth of 9 GHz. The circuit occupies an active area of 0.32 mm². To the author's knowledge, this amplifier presents the highest figure of merit (FoM ITRS) among 60 GHz PAs using silicon technology.