Oxide-derived (OD) Cu catalysts have high selectivity towards the formation of multi-carbon products (C 2 /C 3 ) for aqueous electrochemical CO 2 reduction (CO 2 R). It has been proposed that al arge fraction of the initial oxide can be surprisingly resistant to reduction, and these residual oxides play acrucial catalytic role.The stability of residual oxides was investigated by synthesizing 18 O-enriched OD Cu catalysts and testing them for CO 2 R. These catalysts maintain ah igh selectivity towardsC 2 /C 3 products (ca. 60 %) for up to 5hin 0.1m KHCO 3 at À1.0 Vv s. RHE. However,s econdary-ion mass spectrometry measurements show that only as mall fraction (< 1%)o ft he original 18 Oc ontent remains,s howing that residual oxides are not present in significant amounts during CO 2 R. Furthermore,weshow that OD Cu can reoxidize rapidly,w hichc ould compromise the accuracy of ex situ methods for determining the true oxygen content.Electrochemical reduction of CO 2 (CO 2 R) into chemical fuels and feedstock, powered by renewable electrical energy, has been proposed as astrategy to mitigate rising greenhouse gas emissions. [1][2][3] Twomain challenges in this area of research are improving the product selectivity and reducing the overpotentials required to drive CO 2 R. [2,4,5] Oxide-derived Cu (OD Cu) catalysts have attracted much attention because they exhibit higher selectivity towards potentially valuable multi-carbon products (for example,e thanol and ethylene) with lower overpotential requirements. [6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13] OD Cu catalysts are formed by oxidizing Cu and subsequently reducing it. Recently,i th as been proposed that residual oxides are responsible for its remarkable catalytic properties. [11][12][13] Using ex situ energy-dispersive Xray spectroscopy (EDS), Cuenya and co-workers reported that al arge fraction of the initial oxide can be resistant to reduction even under strongly reducing potentials typically used for CO 2 R. [11,12] They proposed that the presence of Cu + on the surface was important for the formation of C 2 /C 3 products. [12] Nilsson and co-workers studied an OD Cu catalyst with ambient pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS) and they found as mall amount of oxygen residing in the subsurface,possibly modifying the electronic structure of the catalyst and creating active sites with higher CO binding energy. [14] First-principles calculations performed by Goddard and co-workers found that the presence of oxygen in the subsurface would generate am ix of Cu + and Cu 0 on the surface. These could then work with adsorbed H 2 Oa nd aid in CO 2 activation by forming chemisorbed CO 2 ,which is the first step of CO 2 R. [15] In aseparate report, they investigated apartially reduced copper oxide matrix consisting of am ix of Cu 0 and Cu + regions. [16] They showed that Cu + and Cu 0 regions could act synergistically to promote CO dimerization and suppress C 1 pathways,t hereby boosting catalyst selectivity.However,afew aspects of this ...