Wellbore instability remains an important and costly issue in many oil and gas fields. Field observations have shown that stress-related wellbore instability problems are still frequently encountered even though techniques to manage the problems have been adopted. The problems can be a main factor in reducing the benefits of introducing innovative drilling technology.
This paper describes the methodology and procedures for determination of optimum wellbore profile and mud weight program based on rock mechanics considerations. The comprehensive methodology, covering all key aspects of wellbore instability, is presented in the form of guideline charts. The application of the methodology and procedure is described and demonstrated through three field case studies for a range of in-situ stress regimes in various parts of the world.
Wellbore instability remains an important and costly issue in many oil and gas fields. It has been estimated that on a world-wide basis, in excess of US$500 million is lost each year because of wellbore instability1. Although various techniques to mange the problems have been adopted, field observations have shown that stress-related wellbore instability problems are still frequently encountered. The problems can be a main factor in reducing the benefits of introducing innovative drilling technology.
This paper describes the methodology and procedures for determination of optimum wellbore profile and mud weight program based on rock mechanics considerations. The comprehensive methodology, covering all the key aspects of wellbore instability, is presented in the form of guideline charts. The application of the methodology and procedure is described and demonstrated through three field case studies for a range of in-situ stress regimes in various parts of the world. They demonstrate the practicality and feasibility of the approach in wellbore profile design. The methodology consolidates the various critical factors into a manageable, pragmatic framework which can be used in routine wellbore profile design for efficient wellbore instability management.
Wellbore Failure and Prevention
For a better understanding of the guideline charts, it is necessary to briefly describe mechanical (stress-induced) wellbore failure mechanisms and their prevention approaches.
Drilling a well in a formation changes the initial stress state and causes stress redistribution within the rock surrounding the wellbore. The redistributed stress state may exceed either the tensile or shear strength of the formation which will lead to failure. The stress state around the wellbore comprises contribution from the in-situ stresses and the wellbore pressure imposed by the mud column. Fig. 1 depicts different failure modes in relation to the principal stresses imposed on the material. When the mud pressure is not sufficiently high to support the wellbore, breakout and toric shear failures, and exfoliation tensile failure can occur. However, when the mud pressure is excessively high, it can cause helical and elongated shear failures, and hydraulic fracture.
In addition, due to the presence of bedding planes in shale, wellbore failure may be initiated by shear or tensile failure of the planes of weakness. Therefore, wellbore stability analysis should consider bedding plane failure.
Ideally a mud weight program should provide mud pressure which will prevent failure of any type simultaneously. Fig. 2 shows an example of critical mud weights required to prevent both tensile and shear failures of intact rock and bedding planes. The highest lower bound and the lowest upper bound values define the safe mud weight window to prevent wellbore instability.