Ahstrrlct.'ioyota has dcvclopcd ii lot of lSIs for iin autmotive iippliciitioti. t ligti pcrlormiincc ISIs usctl in :iritarnotivc clcctrtmic systcms arc kcy cornpotwits to iicllicve the high output powcr, thc Inw fucl criiisunipiiori :tiid tlic clcan cxhntisi g:is. l t i c design of Ihc ncxt gciicr:ition :~iitcmihilc rcqtiircs for high pcriorniancc initonioiivc clcctroriir: sysicnis. I n this papcr wc dcscrihc nectls and ;ipplic:hons of' hiEli tcnipcretiirc I S I S for tiutmiiotivc clcctrnnic systems. 1Jspcci:illy wc fucus on tlic ncwly dcvclopcd SO1 l K M O S I S 1 and the itilclligcnt powcr dcvicc. Wc ;dso rlcscrihc ;in cxiimplc of tlic high iiitcgr:ilioii LS1, whicli hiis %bit microprocessor, progratii/datii mcniorics, :i 10-bit prccision N D cunverkr, niidog circuits for scnsor sigii;il proccssing find ;I knock coiitrol systcm, scrisl communic:ition intcrfaccs, mtl gcneral 110 ports. This IS1 IliIs dcsigiicrl for 4/b-cylintlcr cngitic coiitr[)l untlcr autnniutivc high operat ion tcmperalurc condition.--
. Iritrorluction