MP-OLSR is the abbreviation of Multipath (Optimized Link source Routing) Protocol which is also known as hybrid protocol, that helps to increase the path in OLSR which clearly works on “proactive routing protocol” specifically developed for Ad Hoc Networks. Wireless Ah Hoc Networks are one among the emerging technology with many operations. This network has some uniquecharacteristics like shared co-operation, dynamic topology and wireless medium.MP-OLSR protocol has the potential to achieve dynamic exchange of data without relying on one base station or a backbone wired network and it is also capable of handling the intermittent exchange of data to manage the topology information for the network also it maintains the design of on-demand routing table and the packets will be forwarded to multiple paths. Here, we propose an idea for enhancing the Multipath-OLSR by using Clustering Algorithm which helps to avoid link failure and recovering the route and also routing protocol to reduce traffic delay and overhead of network that eventually increases the throughput and delivery ratio of a packet